3:50 AM
by What are you reading?
My Beautiful Life by Mina Dobic
Biography: Born in Yugoslavia, Mina spent the first 40 years of her life there, working first as a teacher and later in the media. At this point in her career, exhausted and run down she was diagnosed with cancer and given two months to live. Mina decided against the traditional route of chemotherapy and checking herself out of the hospital embarked on a journey into Macrobiotics - a special diet but also a philosophy and way of life. A year later she was free of the cancer and healthier than ever. Mina now lives in California with her husband and two children where she continues to practice and teach Macrobiotics. A fascinating and inspiring story for the time we live in. In the last week two people I know passed away from cancer.... Mina's book definitely gave me something to think about.
5:30 AM
by What are you reading?
These gave me a giggle...Across Europe by Kangaroo by Joseph R Barry
How to Avoid Huge Ships by John W Trimmer
101 Super Uses for Tampon Applicators by Lori Katz and Barbara Meyer
Lightweight Sandwich Construction by JM Davies
How to Shit in the Woods by Kathleen Meyer
4:08 AM
by What are you reading?
Bestselling books of all time
The Bible
Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong
The Qur'an
Xinhua Zidian
The Book of Mormon by Joseph Smith Jr.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
And then there were none by Agatha Christie
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein
Harry Potter and the Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
2:47 AM
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What your doctor may not tell you about children's vaccines
This is a book for all parents who have questions about the vaccines their children are given. In depth and informative - it will open your eyes to the world of vaccines. Unbiased open look at all the vaccines and recommendations for which ones are really necessary. Stephanie Cave looks in detail at each vaccine, giving clear, practical advice.
2:43 AM
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Most people are so busy knocking themselves out trying to do everything they think they should do, they never get around to what they want to do.
5:03 AM
by What are you reading?
When I hear someone sigh, 'Life is hard,'
I am always tempted to ask
'Compared to what?'
Sydney Harris, Journalist
12:44 PM
by What are you reading?

Uneasy Rider by Mike Carter
Travel writing: To quote Charley Boorman 'a fantastic read' but also to add my own take on it - ruthlessly honest and hilarious. One drunken night Mike makes a rash decision to leave his life in London behind him to embark on a motorbike journey across Europe. The fact that he's never ridden a motorbike poses the first of many problems. 20,000 miles worth of anecdotes and 27 countries worth of self-deprecating wit and laugh out loud moments.