Petite Anglaise

Petite Anglaise by Catherine Sanderson

Biography: Takes blogging to a whole other level!! In an idle moment Catherine starts a blog under the pseudonym Petite Anglaise and so all the trouble begins. As Petite is getting into all sorts of mischief, Catherine's personal life slowly begins to unravel. This book reads like a best-selling chic lit novel - full of romance, drama and suspense. I found myself so caught up in the story I couldn't read it fast enough. So lost was I in this book that there were times I forgot it was a biography - this was somebody's real life!! The realisation would hit me and I would sit squirming, a little uncomfortable with everything I'd been witness to; it was a voyeuristic experience. Catherine is unashamedly honest about this period of her life, all her actions, emotions, thoughts laid bare for us the reader.

It does raise the question -

In the land of blogging, is there such a thing as too much information?
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